a director of Erkon Ltd, an independent expert in fields of urban mobility and integrated urban development, also active as an ad-hoc URBACT expert Airport (STEP-UP project Partner)

“Planning mobility to support sustainable rural tourism”


Objectives of the training are:

  • to establish a clear connection between tourism and transport system development
  • to identify the impacts of tourist mobility on destination points and their surroundings
  • to learn about challenges and optimal approaches to tourist mobility management, with a focus on the development and preservation of life in rural areas
  • to explore existing solutions and approaches to mobility planning as tools to support overall local and regional development in line with the sustainability objectives

The training aims to help all individuals and entities which participate in tourism or mobility planning, regardless of the level of their engagement on the topics in question (local and regional administration engaged in strategic planning processes,key private and public stakeholders of local and regional transport systems,partiesinvolved in sustainable tourism development, professionals and researchers in fields of transport, mobility,  tourism, integrated regional, urban or rural development). Taking the defined training objectives and target groups into consideration, the structure of the training is the following:

  • PART 1 Tourism and mobility: two sides of the same coin
  • PART 2 The role of mobility management in rural tourism
  • PART 3 Existing approaches and solutions related to (rural) tourist mobility.

These parts are designed to guide the listener from the more general issues related to tourism and its dependency on transport, towards specific challenges and solutions related to mobility management that has the potential to support sustainable tourism (and life) in rural areas. Some examples of the already undertaken initiatives are also presented.

Short bio

Petra Grgasovic is a director of Erkon Ltd and an independent expert in fields of urban mobility and integrated urban development, also active as an ad-hoc URBACT expert. During the last decade she has been working both in public and private sector, mostly on project evaluation, development and implementation, strategic planning and policy analysis. Petra is currently a PhD student in field of Geography, already holding a Master’s degree in Architecture and Urban Planning and a specialisation in Eco – engineering.